What Is Insurance Fraud

Oct 10, 2023

It is crucial to understand the various types of insurance frauds and scams so that both insurance companies and customers can stay safe from these sneaky schemes.

In this write-up, we will provide tips to prevent insurance fraud and provide insights into some key types of insurance fraud.

What is insurance fraud?

Insurance fraud involves illegal actions taken by both policyholders and insurance providers.

  • Insurance providers might sell policies from fake companies, skip premium payments, or exploit policies for extra commissions.
  • Policyholders may commit fraud through inflated claims, fake medical histories, backdated policies, viatical fraud, faked deaths or kidnappings.

Types of insurance frauds

  • Fake claims: You need to watch out for misleading claims that twist information, exaggerate details, or give false facts to trick insurance providers. False or misleading claims pose a significant issue, potentially leading to financial losses for policyholders. Make sure to keep relevant records of any events, damages and medical details. By being cautious and sceptical, you can play a part in combating insurance scams.
  • Made-up crashes / fake accidents: A common kind of insurance scam involves people purposely causing accidents or pretending that an accident occurred to get money from fake claims. Typical tactics involve purposefully staging accidents, fabricating injuries, or manipulating evidence at the location. Once they set this up, they ask for money to fix their vehicles or for injuries that did not happen in reality.
  • Fake records: Making up records means changing or faking documents or data to trick insurance companies into giving unfair benefits. For instance, the policyholder might show fake medical papers, make damage seem worse than reality, and create fake receipts. These tricks make insurance companies lose money.
  • Moving money around: Premium deviation happens when a customer purposefully provides false or misleading information to lower the insurance rates or get unauthorised discounts. This involves giving incorrect details about factors like age, job, driving record or health. These can affect premium calculations.
    To prevent this, insurance companies use strict checks, thorough risk assessments, and validation of the accuracy of information provided by policyholders. When applying for insurance, it is important to provide accurate information so that prices are fair and the insurance system fulfils its purpose.
  • Lots of claims: This happens when policyholders make multiple claims, sometimes with different policies or insurance providers, for the same loss or damage. This type of fraud is widespread in property insurance.
  • Identity fraud: Identity fraud is a kind of insurance trick where people steal your personal information and use it without your permission. The stolen information is used for a range of fraudulent activities, such as unauthorised spending, obtaining loans under another person's identity, and even securing fake insurance policies using someone else's name.
    To stop this from happening, it is important to protect your personal information, use strong passwords and keep an eye on financial accounts.

Tips to prevent insurance fraud

  • Examine the insurer thoroughly
    Before choosing an insurance provider, you should conduct a comprehensive review. To avoid falling victim to scams like cyber fraud insurance, you need to investigate their history, financial standing and market reputation. Verify the provider's registration and licenses. It is also important to evaluate client service quality, reviews and claim procedures. Analyse coverage options, pricing, and exclusions for a reliable choice.
  • Avoid cash premium payments
    It is safe to avoid making payments in cash for premiums due to theft risk and lack of documentation. Instead, opt for secure alternatives like online payments, cards or transfers, ensuring a transparent transaction trail and peace of mind.
  • Protect sensitive information
    To prevent phishing scams or identity theft, it is advised to share the necessary data only with trusted sources. Additionally, communicate sensitive details securely, especially with reputable entities like insurers or banks to safeguard your finances.
  • Properly read the policy details
    You must study policy terms, coverage limits, claim processes, and renewal conditions in-depth. One way to safeguard yourself from falling victim to scams like fake insurance policies is to carefully analyse the coverage options. Seek clarity on vague points, ensuring your insurance aligns with your needs and expectations.

Introducing Vigil Aunty from HDFC Bank to safeguard your online experience

In the era of rapid digital advancement, ensuring a secure banking experience has become more crucial than ever. Meet Vigil Aunty, the superhero influencer of "Freedom from Frauds", HDFC Bank's latest campaign. The need for awareness has never been more apparent, given the recent rise in financial fraud cases in India.

If you want to protect yourself from financial frauds, you must also read up and know about phishing. - What is loan fraud? | What is money transfer scams? | What is online banking fraud?


Join Vigil Army, where Vigil Aunty will decode various frauds and give people a heads-up on the dos and don’ts of combating frauds online. To join the Vigil Army, send ‘Hi’ to her via WhatsApp number: 7290030000


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