Page 44 - HDFC Bank TPP Flipbook
P. 44

In-patient Treatment - Medical Expenses for Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment:
    1.   Room, Boarding and Nursing Expenses as provided by the Hospital/Nursing Home as per actuals
    2.   ICU Boarding and Nursing Expenses as provided by the Hospital/Nursing Home as per actuals
    3.   Surgeon, Anaesthetist, Medical Practitioner, Consultants, Specialists Fees
    4.   Anaesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation Theatre Charges, surgical appliances, Medicines & Drugs, relevant
        laboratory diagnostic tests, X-ray and such similar expenses that are medically necessary
    5.   Our maximum liability is for any or all the above expenses is limited up to 25% of Sum Insured per policy
    Additional Benefit:

    •   Cumulative Bonus
        If you renew Your Family Health Care Policy with us without any break and there has been no claim in the
        preceding year, we will increase the Limit of Indemnity by 10% of base Sum Insured per annum, but:
        i.    The maximum cumulative increase in the Limit of Indemnity will be limited to 5 years and 50% of your
            first Family Health Care Policy with us.
        ii.   This clause does not alter the annual character of this insurance or our right to decline to renew or to
            cancel the Policy.
        iii.   If a claim is made in any year where a cumulative increase has been applied, then the increased limit
            of Indemnity in the policy period of the subsequent Family Health Care Policy shall be reduced by
            10%, save that the limit of indemnity applicable to your first Family Health Care Policy with us shall be
    •   Benefits will not be available for any pre-existing condition, ailment or injury, until 36 months of continuous
        coverage have elapsed, after the date of inception of the first Family Health Care policy, provided the pre-
        existing disease / ailment / injury is disclosed on the proposal form.
    •   Medical expenses where In-patient care is not warranted and does not require supervision of qualified
        nursing staff and qualified medical practitioner round the clock.

    •   Any form of plastic surgery unless necessary for the treatment of cancer, burns or accidental bodily injury
    Activ Health - Platinum Enhanced:
    I.   Key Benefits:
        a.  Stay fit and healthy and Earn HealthReturns  upto 30% of Premium
        b.   Day 1 cover for medical management of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high
            cholesterol and asthma
        c.  Choice of Hospital Room category between Shared, Single and Any room
        d.  100% Reload of Sum Insured for subsequent claims due to unrelated illness
        e.  Cumulative Bonus of 20% of Sum Insured for every claim free year, maximum up to 100%

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