Page 47 - HDFC Bank TPP Flipbook
P. 47
Day care treatment Due to advancements in medical science, certain medical procedures
like a dialysis may not require a 24-hour hospitalisation, we will cover
you for such 586 procedures as well.
Domiciliary Hospitalisation (Home We will cover your medical expenses in case you need to get treated
Care) at home, if your health condition did not allow hospital transfer or due
to unavailability of a bed at the hospital.
Road Ambulance Cover In case of an emergency, we will cover costs incurred on
transportation to a hospital by a road ambulance as per your
Organ Donor Expenses In case of organ transplants to you, we not only cover you, we also
cover the medical expenses of the organ donor for harvesting the
organ for your use, as per your eligibility.
Reload of Sum Insured In case the Sum Insured with no claim bonus (if any) / super NCB
(if opted) is insufficient as a result of previous claims in that policy
year, then you get an additional 150% of Sum Insured, maximum up
to 50 lakhs, for hospitalisation due to an illness unrelated to previous
claims in that policy year.
AYUSH In-patient treatment We will pay you as per your eligibility, for medical expenses incurred
by you towards your in-patient hospitalisation under AYUSH
(Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy)
Daily Allowance For each day that you get hospitalized, you get an additional benefit of
r 500/- per day as daily allowance. This benefit shall be payable for a
maximum limit of 5 days per hospitalisation and is applicable only for
sum insured up to r 4 lakhs
Vaccination Vaccination expenses for children up to 18 years of age included in
the policy will be covered as per the schedule provided. This benefit is
applicable only for sum insured of r 1 Crore and above.
No Claim Bonus With our policy, you get benefits even if you do not claim. We will
provide you with a No Claim Bonus which is 10% of Sum Insured for
each year that you do not claim. Whenever there is a claim, No Claim
Bonus reduces by the same rate at which it increased, which is 10%
of Sum Insured. The maximum limit for No Claim Bonus is 50% of
Sum Insured.
Health Check-Up Programme We provide a free health check-up for each and every insured member
once in a policy year customised to the life stage you are in. This is
available from the first year itself. The tests are based on the age and
Sum Insured.
Second E-opinion on Critical Illness When it comes to detection of a major illness such as cancer, kidney
failure or heart attack, then a second opinion is always helpful. We
understand that and provide you with a second e-opinion through a
consortium of well qualified specialists.